The woman smiles proudly and warmly when she sees you at her door. You show her the drawing she made that night so she understands why you're there. She leads you through the woods to a nest with snakes. You two squat behind the bush and wait for one to sneak out.

As it does, the woman folds her hands over her mouth and blows gently. An unknown sound comes out and fills the air with expectation. The snake ceases to move. You're amazed at what she's doing and you wonder whether she's a snake charmer. She then silently takes heavy stone, steps forward and throws it fast on the snake with all her might.

It must have been a severe blow- you think- because the animal remains motionless on the ground. The woman puts her foot on the animal's neck and then she cuts its head off.

Soon after, the woman pours all the blood she can in a bowl with water then adds a number of plants inside and, after that, she strains this mixture into a glass. She then puts her hands on the glass, murmurs a spell and drinks a sip of its content. Next, she passes the cup on to you take a sip as well.

As you drink that warm and dark liquid, she scribbles on a piece of paper something meaning that you must fast for the next 40 days. You put the glass down and then say you have to go. Then you put your hands into your pocket and draw some money for her but she pushes your hand with the money back to you and offers hers as if meaning to say goodbye. She stares at you with a friendly look. You two shake hands and you mumble a "thank you".

You leave with a feeling that something really positive will come out of this encounter. You make up your mind about fasting for the next month.