This geointeractivity is based on one of the most famous novels by the French Writer Jules Verne. The novel's main character is Phileas Fogg, an English rich man. Fogg is a member of the Reform Club in London, where in 1872 he bet a considerable sum of money saying he would go round the world in only 80 days.


Jules Verne

With Google Earth we can see the Earth from a satellite. We could imagine that we see it from the International Spacial Station. The ISS goes round the Earth in 80 minutes at 28.000 km/h.

In this project you will follow Philleas Fogg's trip as if you were travelling on a spaceship.

Phileas Fogg was a very punctual man. On his trip diary  he wrote down  all the problems he faced, as well as departure and arrival times of all means of transport. Do the same  and control the time it takes you to do every task. Take notes of who did what and, like a tourist, take photos of the activities your group did both at school and at home.
Cheer up and have a nice trip!
This activity is a derived activity from the one that Jordi Vivancos Martí proposed in his blog and it is under a Creative Commons license: atribution, non commercial use, equally derived work.