Necessary material to do the activities

  • Google Earth file "around_the_world.kmz" (Google Earth file comprised in a ZIP format)
  • Log Book: to write down the results of the tasks.

Google Earth configuration

Before starting to work with Google Earth

1. Configure the preferences of the Google Earth menu "Tools/Options" as it is shown in the following image:


2. Open the file "Around_the_world.kmz" with Google earth.

3. Activate the miniature world map with the option:"Overview Map" from the menu "View" or with the buttons CTRL+M

4. To initiate the activity click twice on the activity title on the "Places" window in Google Earth. You can also activate the view from the 3D buildings, very similar to the ones you will make.

Activity development

The document you opened with Google Earth contains the different stops and stages from Phileas Fogg. At every stop there are some questions you can solve and a building proposal that the builders will have to make.

Write down all the answers in an Open Office document. Then, open the Log Book and copy the answers you got in order to send the questionnaire.

Click here to answer the questionnaire

Follow these steps and if you have any problems, you know, send a MORSE message from wherever you are lost!

1. Follow the instructions you find at the text box that appears at the beginning of each stage.

  • 2. To move to the following stage click twice on the next stage if you click on the Play Google Earth button, it will go around all the stages without any interruption.

    3. Write down the answers to the questions provided and at the end of the process fill in the questionnaire from the Log Book. Then send the answers to your teachers.