1. geographic space 3. roman constructions

2. Characteristical traits of Roman architecture

Roman builders were the creators of the construction skills, of the tools and materials.

Their own systems of construction were basically developped between the II century BC  to the IV century AC. At the end their contributions were incorporated during centuries.

Roman architecture was born of the contact between two  constructive  closed systems : Etruscan architectonic  system and Greek  architectonic system.

Roman architecture incorporates of the Etruscan system arches and barrel vaultings .

Roman architecture incorporates of  the Greek architectonic system tme more classical forms: temples and architectonic orders.

Roman architecture emerges with their own contributions.

Roman empire was vast and and with big urban sites. They needed communication roads, bridges,, aqueducts, circus, amfitheatres, temples, public baths, drains, watering places, basilicas…

Romans create  thecnology,innovate skills: they discover a stone ( putzolana), that after being converted in dust and mixed with lime produces a material similar to the cement. This "cement" will be useful to construct walls, and especially to built barrel vaultings and arris vaultings.

Tools that the bricklayers used have  nearly arrived  to nowadays.

Bended constructions are incorporated in different buildings: bridges, triumphal arches, amphitheatres, circus, aqueducts...

Punt 1

L’ arquitectura romana no pot associar-se a un sol edifici dominant. Hi ha una diversitat d’edificis: termes, basíliques, teatres, circs, aqüeductes, amfiteatres...

Punt 2

L’arquitectura romana sap construir grans espais interiors.

Punt 3

Per fer possible la construcció d’aquests espais tan grans els romans desenvoluparen una nova tècnica de construcció, utilitzant uns espècie de ciment que permetia la construcció de voltes i cúpules.

Punt 4

L’arquitectura romana no deixa d’utilitzar els ordres clàssics dels grecs: el dòric, el jònic i el corinti. Però en molts casos deixen de ser elements estructurals i passen a ser elements simplement decoratius.