3 Little Pigs

3rd Primary School of Eleftheroupoli

6-7 years old

An abacus


To help pupils to multiply with the use of the term “times” and not the symbol x.
To understand multiplication as repeated addition of the same number.
To introduce
multiples of 3.

The teacher tells the children the fairytale. The 3 little pigs are walking in the forest. Each one found two apples and ate them. How many apples did all the pigs together eat?

Main part:
The children can use their fingers or the abacus or even drawings to find the results. The teacher writes the results on the board

Round up:
Alternatively the teacher calls the pupils to tell their own story (eg: the little pigs are walking in a field full of roots, each pig digs 3 holes, how many holes have they dug all together? ...)