.. Mathematics scales ..

6-7 years old

To give the pupils the opportunity to work with the concept of equality using stories and their conversion into mathematical symbols.

A mathematics scales with weights.

I introduce the lesson by telling the pupils about something that happened to me this morning, “When I went to school this morning I first saw three cat, and after a while I saw five more cats. How many cats did I see on my way to school?”

Main part:
I take the scales and show the pupils that I hang one weight on number 3 and one weight on number 5. They make suggestions about how many cats I have seen and I hang up the weight on the number they suggest on the other side of the scales. The scales should balance when their answer is right.
I write the addition on the whiteboard in numbers.

Round up:
The pupils will come forward and tell their own stories and do as I did. They will let their friends guess and finally they write the addition on the whiteboard. They can also make pictures about their stories.

It is very important to observe that all the pupils understand the importance of equality and what this implies on the scales.