Subtracting the Turkish way

Yunus Emre Primary School

8-9 years old

To learn another way to subtract numbers.

The teacher presents a method for subtracting numbers with two digits

    • the minuend is placed in the top space and the subtrahend in the bottom space created by drawing a cross on the board
    • the two numbers are decomposed into tens and units
    • the units are written in the same spaces as the decomposed numbers
    • the tens are written in the free parts of the cross, the tens in the minuend on the left and the tens in the subtrahend on the right
    • the original numbers are crossed out
    • the following subtractions are carried out: the number on top minus the number at the bottom and the number on the left minus the number on the right
    • the results of the subtractions are added together ( if the number on the left is smaller than the number on the right the addition becomes a subtraction)
A pupil does an example on the board.

Main part:
The pupils practise the new method in class.