
Artists' Page

Perejaume is a painter and poet (1957). He lives and works in Sant Pol de Mar (Maresme) a city on the Medieterranean coast. He uses different media: he paints, writtes poems, makes intallations and objectual works and does performamces. The main topic in his work is the landscape, prefigurated with the Mountain both as an idea as well as a rea concept you can seein the Catalan geography and in the Catalan culture. He combines the teoric purpouses with the artistic production. He speaks about the landscape with a contemporary view but he doesn't forget the tradition: the presence of the landscape in the Catalan art tradition or in the Catalan literature. We can not separate his plastic production from his books. In his written work he has elaborated a genuine discurs using a rich language that is at the same time object and instrument.

Real landscape