Letter B


Asking for Advice

Cold weather is so painful...

Advice from agony aunt Fiona Caine

Since the cold weather has started I've had really bad cold sores and they give me constant pain. So much so, I can't eat anything solid as I'm terrified it will break open the blisters.I went to the chemist and got some cream but it has hardly helped at all.What should I do?



Giving Advice

Pharmacists are an excellent source of help and advice and can treat you for 
a lot of conditions with over-the counter medicines. If, however, your treatment 
doesn't respond, you really need to see your doctor. Cold sores are a virus and normally they
respond well to the kind of proprietary treatments your pharmacist will have suggested.
The fact that they haven't means it is more important than ever that you see your 
own doctor.
You certainly shouldn't be putting up with pain so severe you can't eat normally.