Colònies de 1r. d'ESO 2004

Com altres anys els alumnes de 1r. d'ESO van realitzar les Colònies al Delta de l'Ebre. Una activitat realitzada el mes d'octubre per afavorir el coneixement i la convivència de l'alumnat.

Van realitzar activitats com piragüisme, bicicleta, coneixement de l'entorn, sempre acompanyats del professorat i amb monitors experts.


Hello Mum,

The day we arrived in Amposta, Wednesday morning the weather was sunny, but in the afternoon it started to rain. I was in the room with Javi L, Nil, Javi, Unai and I. In the afternoon we got a boat with my friends. Later, we bought an ice-cream and some sweets.
The second day, we rode on bicycle around the " Delta de l'Ebre". We ate lunch in a restaurant: La Barraca. We ate "fideua" and chicken; the food was very nice. We went back to the house at six o'clock.
After dinner, we went to the disco, it was very funny.
The last day, we were very tired. We went by "kayak" and after lunch we caught the bus back to Molins de Rei.

Regards your son, Marc