Now read carefully this Evaluation Sheet and write your score on the far right column (My Score) of each of the 5 areas. NB: The score you can award yourself is in brackets below every description of activity. For example, if you consider that your score for Following Directions is Very Good, you should award yourself 11 points.  
Not Very Good
Very Good
My Score
Following Directions
I did not understand the directions and I did not pay any attention to the film so I did not know what to do.
I did not follow all the directions. I was frequently off task. I only watched some of the film. I did not complete most of the activities.
I followed the directions but I had to be reminded to stay on the task. I watched most of the film. I only took down a few notes. I completed most of the activities on time.
I followed the directions. I kept on the task. I watched the entire film. I took down notes. I completed the activities on time.
I followed all the directions. I was self-motivated. I watched the entire film attentively. I took down notes. I completed all the activities on time.
Deatils of the film
I was unable to complete the information required.
I was able to complete some of the information required.
I was able to complete most of the information required.
I was able to complete all the information required with help from others.
I was able to complete all the information required independently.
"Before Watching the Film" Activity
I am just beginning to understand my task. I was unable to answer any of the points from this activity.
I was unable to complete all the points from this activity.
I completed this activity in the classroom, after watching the film.
I completed this activity. I answered the five points but my information was rushed.I finished this activity at home before watching the film.
I finished this activity successfully. I answered the five points with great care and detail. I finished this activity at home before watching the film.
"After Watching the Film" Activity
I did not pay any attention to the film so I was unable to do this activity.
I was unable to answer most of the questions because I did not understand the film.
I had no time to finish this activity. I only answered a few questions. I did not understand the film very well.
I finished this activity. I understood and answered the seven points of the activity. I shared the information with other students in the classroom.
I finished this activity successfully. I answered the seven points with great care and detail. I shared and discussed the information with other students in the classroom.
Presentation of the "Film Viewing Charts"
I did not give my teacher the "Film Viewing Charts".
The information on the Charts was incomplete. There were grammar and spelling mistakes.
The information was a little rushed. I had no time to revise for grammar and spelling errors.
The information was well organized. There were a few grammar and spelling errors.
The information was well organized so it looked good and easy to understand. I took great care in revising for grammar and spelling errors. I expressed my opinions with confidence.