Now read carefully this Evaluation Sheet and write your score on the far right column (My Score) of each of the 5 areas. NB: The score you can award yourself is in brackets below every description of activity. For example, if you consider that your score for Following Directions is Very Good, you should award yourself 11 points.

Not Very Good
Very Good
My Score
Following Directions
I did not understand the directions so I did not know what to do.
I did not follow all the directions. I was frequently off task. I did not complete most of the activities.
I followed the directions but I had to be reminded to stay on the task. I completed most of the activities on time.
I followed the directions. I kept on the task. I completed the activities on time.
I followed all the directions. I was self-motivated. I completed all the activities on time.
Cooperative Work
We played around instead of working on our project.
We could not agree on what we should do, so we wasted time.
We worked together until we finished our task.
We worked cooperatively throughout the task but we did not share out responsibilities equally. We cooperated with another group.
We worked cooperatively throughout the task. We shared responsibilities. We also cooperated with other groups.
Use of Resources
I was unable to find the information needed.
I was able to find some of the information needed.
I was able to find most of the information needed.
I was able to find all the information needed with help from others.
I was able to find all the information needed independently.
Completion of the Project
I am just beginning to understand my task. My project is incomplete.
I worked on my project but was unable to complete any of the activities.
I only finished my shopping. I had no time to write the description of the product. I finished the account of my expenses.
I went through all the activities. My description of the products and my expenses were rushed.
I went through all the activities successfully. My description of the products and expenses were carefully detailed. I finished my project on time.
Presentation of the Project
I was unable to participate in the presentation.
I made a poster but was unable to cope with the PowerPoint. The information on the poster was incomplete. There were grammar and spelling mistakes. I presented my poster in my native language.
The information on the poster and/or PowerPoint was a little bit confusing. We had no time to revise for grammar and spelling errors. My presentation was conducted mostly in my native language.
The information on the poster and/or PowerPoint was well organized. There were a few grammar and spelling errors. My presentation was conducted in English, although sometimes I had to speak in my native language.
The information on the poster and/or PowerPoint was well organized. It looked good and was easy to understand. I took great care in revising for grammar and spelling errors. I showed confidence in my oral presentation. I made an effort to speak English all the time.