What a statue!  
Student's guide

Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information upon it.

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

In this project you will have to complete a set of activities to solve a problem.

You will be introduced to several statues round the world and will have to design your own statue and present it to your classmates, with the support of Power Point slides that you will create during the project.


  • To understand instructions to carry out tasks.
  • To write short texts, organising ideas and information coherently.
  • To understand and produce simple oral and written descriptions and narrations.
  • To obtain specific information from electronic sources in various formats: text, image, sound.
  • To organise one's own work efficiently and to use supplementary learning material in web format.
  • Tu use electronic tools, Winword and Power Point, for the production of outcomes.
  • To develop a topic and to present the information orally, in an organized way, with the support of Power Point slides.
  • To respect the opinions of teachers and other students .

Content organization

The material is structured as follows:

  • The introduction, Invitation to a Trip, where the main characters of the story are presented.
  • The presentation of the situation around which the story revolves, We have a Problem!
  • Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3 contain a series of tasks with questions that lead to the solution of the problem.
    Each step is organised in the following sections:
    • Search: tasks to locate the statues, which often imply web search. These tasks are interelated and have to be completed in order to go on.
    • Performance: oral and written interaction and production associated with the development of the story.
    • Diary: a space to collect what you have produced in the Performance section. The tasks include the production of different types of text: dialogue, narration, instructions, minutes, etc.
    • Presentation: guidelines for the production of Power Point slides that will in the endsupport the oral presentation of your statue.
    • Supplementary tasks: language activities to revise concepts that you may need in order to complete the main activities. You can decide whether to do these or not.
  • Final Step where you will have to solve the problem. The sections Performance, Diary and Presentation are of the same type as in the previous steps (Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3); Problem solving sets out a situation that leads to the solution of the problem.

When you do an exercise you will get feedback of the correct answers. Some multiple choice and cloze exercises have a button that allows you to view all the questions. Use this option when you want to print the activity, which is advisable if you want to keep track of all the activities you have completed in the development of the project.

In order to avoid typing long URLs, the main page contains an access icon to a contents map that leads directly to the activities, without having to go through the itinerary that has already been completed.


Per complete the tasks in this unit you will need a multimedia computer with access to the Internet and the following software:

Microsoft Explorer
Microsoft Winword
Microsoft Power Point
Paint Shop Pro
Quick Time

To complete the Diary and Presentation sections, you can use the Winword and Power Point sample documents available. Unzip the file presentation.zip and save it onto your hard disk.

Good luck!