Carmen Velasco Pregunta als autors/Ask the authors Índex

Our neighbours

How was the trip? You probably know all about our neighbours' home countries and cultures, and you already like them, don't you? Unfortunately, some people are not like you... Read these two articles and think about what they say:

Some people are intolerant with immigrants because they don't know much about their countries and their people.  But this is not your case, is it?

To finish this topic, are you ready to do a couple of exercises about these countries?. Make sure that you have information about their geography, history, culture, food, holidays, everyday life, etc.  If you need help, Ask Jeeves or Google to help you.

1. Their countries
2. Their customs

Did you get all questions right?  Congratulations!  Now you can start creating a web page about one of the countries we have studied.

This will be the end of this unit.