Astronomy "Quotes"

(funny e-mail)

Star Stories

From: (Dave West)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 96 17:16:43 GMT

Here's a story, which is probably not what you are looking for, but it is amusing nonetheless :

Some years ago, the main astronomical observatory in South Africa was located at Radcliffe near Pretoria. As Pretoria expanded, it was decided to move the observatory to Sutherland, about 800 kms away in the middle of the Karoo desert.

In memory of the institution which had previously resided there, the streets of a new housing suburb in the area were all given astronomical names, such as Rigel, Jupiter, Eridanus, Bootes, Carina and Canopsus.


This error was quickly pointed out to the local council, who said that it was most unfortunate and that they had already made up the street signs and had already informed the map-makers that this was the name of the street - they then wondered, seeing that they had all these problems with renaming the street, wouldn't it be easier to rename the star?

This story was related to me by one of South Africa's most revered amateur astronomers, who is not given to making up tales or passing on urban legends - I therefore have no doubts as to it's authenticity. ---- The light at the end of the tunnel is probably an oncoming train!

From Astronet