Hale Bopp

Photos: October, 1996

Last Update: January 19, 1997

HB & M14
Jack Schmidling Productions Inc.
October 10, 1996

Comet Hale-Bopp and globular cluster M-14

Jack Schmidling Productions has published this photograph taken on October 30, 1996, using a 10" Newton telescope at f6, JSP 4x5 camera, hypered Tech Pan film and 20 minutes of exposure.

HB & M14
Gordon Garradd
October 28, 1996

This image is made up of 2 mosaiced 60 second exposure CCD images, and shows the comet near the globular cluster M14. Log scaling has been applied to render an appearance similar to that seen in a large telescope under dark skies. Field of view 27' X 22', taken with a 25 cm Newtonian and HI-SIS 22 CCD.

Copyright © Gordon Garradd

H. Fukushima and N. Yamamoto (NAOJ, Japan. October 22, 1996)
50cm f/12.

H. Fukushima and N. Yamamoto (NAOJ, Japan. October 22, 1996)
50cm f/12.

H. Fukushima and N. Yamamoto (NAOJ, Japan. October 15, 1996)
50cm f/12.

H. Fukushima and N. Yamamoto (NAOJ, Japan. October 15, 1996)
50cm f/12.

First real color photograph showing dust tail

Garradd Oct-13
Gordon Garradd

Gordon Garradd obtained this photograph October 13, 1996, with a Newton telescope (25cm at f4). Used the new film Kodak Gold III 400 Flexi Clear film, hypered it, and made an exposure of 10 minutes. North is up.

Copyright © Gordon Garradd

Chris Schur. October 10, 1996)
Hale-Bopp and NGC6366. 12.5" f/5 20 min.