Hubble Reveals Stellar Fireworks
Accompanying Galaxy Collision

Photo No.: STScI-PRC97-34a

October 21, 1997

This Hubble Space Telescope image provides a detailed look at a brilliant "fireworks show" at the center of a collision between two galaxies. Hubble has uncovered over 1,000 bright, young star clusters bursting to life as a result of the head-on wreck.

Full Resolution Images

Left A ground-based telescopic view of the Antennae galaxies (known formally as NGC 4038/4039) - so named because a pair of long tails of luminous matter, formed by the gravitational tidal forces of their encounter, resembles an insect's antennae. The galaxies are located 63 million light-years away in the southern constellation Corvus. [JPG image]
Right The respective cores of the twin galaxies are the orange blobs, left and right of image center, crisscrossed by filaments of dark dust. A wide band of chaotic dust, called the overlap region, stretches between the cores of the two galaxies. The sweeping spiral-like patterns, traced by bright blue star clusters, shows the result of a firestorm of star birth activity which was triggered by the collision.

This natural-color image is a composite of four separately filtered images taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2), on January 20, 1996. Resolution is 15 light-years per pixel (picture element).

[JPG image]

Photo No.: STScI-PRC97-34b

October 21, 1997

These four close-up views are taken from a head-on collision between two spiral galaxies, called the Antennae galaxies, seen at image center. The scale bar at the top of each image is 1,500 light-years across.

Full Resolution

Left The collision triggers the birth of new stars in brilliant blue star clusters, the brightest of which contains roughly a million stars. The star clusters are blue because they are very young, the youngest being only a few million years old, a mere blink of the eye on the astronomical time scale. Top
Right These close-up views of the cores of each galaxy show entrapped dust and gas funneled into the center. The nucleus of NGC 4038 (lower right) is obscured by dust which dims and reddens starlight by scattering the shorter, bluer wavelengths. This is also the reason the young star clusters in the dusty regions appear red instead of blue.

This natural-color image is a composite of four separately filtered images taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2), on January 20, 1996. Resolution is 15 light-years per pixel (picture element).


Credit: Brad Whitmore (ST ScI), and NASA

Jonathan Eisenhamer --
Zolt Levay --
Office of Public Outreach --


NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered over 1,000 bright, young star clusters bursting to life in a brief, intense, brilliant "fireworks show" at the heart of a pair of colliding galaxies.

"The sheer number of these young star clusters is amazing," says Brad Whitmore of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), Baltimore, Maryland. "The discovery will help us put together a chronological sequence of how colliding galaxies evolve. This will help us address one of the fundamental questions in astronomy: why some galaxies are spirals while others are elliptical in shape."

"These spectacular images are helping us understand how globular star clusters formed from giant hydrogen clouds in space," adds Francois Schweizer of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. "This galaxy is an excellent laboratory for studying the formation of stars and star clusters since it is the nearest and youngest example of a pair of colliding galaxies."

By probing the Antennae galaxies (called the Antennae because a pair of long tails of luminous matter formed by the encounter resembles an insect's antennae) and some of the other nearby galactic-scale collisions, Hubble is coming up with a variety of surprises:

Earlier Hubble pictures show that nearly a third of very distant galaxies, which existed early in the history of the universe, appear to be interacting galaxies, like the Antennae. In particular, the Hubble Deep Field (a "long-exposure" image from Hubble looking at galaxies far back into time), uncovered a plethora of odd-shaped, disrupted-looking galaxies. They offer direct visual evidence that galaxy collisions were more the rule than the exception in the early days of the universe.

These distant galaxy collisions are too faint and too small to study in much detail. Astronomers say we are fortunate to have such a nearby example as the Antennae to study, since collisions between galaxies are relatively rare today. "The degree of detail in these images is astounding, and represents both a dream come true and a nightmare when it comes to the analysis of such a large amount of data," Whitmore says.

In addition to providing a window into how stars and galaxies formed in the dim past, the Hubble views might also offer a glimpse of the future fate of Earth's home galaxy, the Milky Way, when it either sideswipes or plows head-on into the neighboring Andromeda galaxy billions of years from now.

The Hubble observations of the Antennae galaxies, as well as several other nearby colliding galaxies, were conducted by Whitmore (STScI) and co-investigators Francois Schweizer and Bryan Miller (Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington), and Michael Fall and Claus Leitherer (STScI) over the past several years.

Hubble's resolution and sensitivity allowed the team to uncover over 1,000 exceptionally bright young star clusters, sometimes called super star clusters, within the Antennae -- the prototypical galaxy smashup. Ground-based telescopes were only able to see the brightest of these clusters, and even in these cases were not able to show that the clusters were very compact with the sizes of normal globular clusters.

Observing other galaxy collisions, the Hubble team discovered the presence of young star clusters which were very bright and blue in the case of ongoing collisions, but had faded to become fainter and redder for the older merger remnants. This allowed them to place the snapshots of galaxy collisions into a chronological sequence.

Don Savage
NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
(Phone: 202-358-1547)
Tammy Jones
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
(Phone: 301-286-5566)
Ray Villard
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
(Phone: 410-338-4514)