14 September 1997
20:45 Pacific Daylight Time

The lander and rover woke up today at 1:00 p.m. PDT.

The sojourner batteries have been expended and the rover is now dependent on solar power. All data indicates that both the lander and rover are in good health.

Due to an up link error last week we did not run the standard science sequence today. But we were able to run a subset of the originally planed imaging by sending real time commands from the Goldstone deep space network station. We acquired super resolution images and magnet target data as well as a reduced set of ASI/MET data which indicated two small dust devils passing over the lander. The rover had no problems and executed all of its command successfully.

Tomorrow the rover will traverse towards the rock Chimp and we will continue to acquire ASI/MET and imaging data from the lander.

For more information, please visit our website at or call our Mission Status Report line at 1-800-391-6654.