19 September 1997
21:30 Pacific Daylight Time

All Sol 76 uplink and downlink activities have been completed.

Following yesterday'ss downlink rain out, today's forecast once again called for more soggy weather over the Deep Space Network station in Canberra Australia. However, the rain held off today and we were able to maintain a high data rate thought the entire Sol 76 downlink . Telemetry returned from Mars today indicated that our Martian dwellers continue to be in good health after 2.5 months on the surface on the red planet. The rover had another successful day and images lost during yesterday's rain were retaken today and received on the ground. The rover obtained images behind the rock "Book Case" which is an area the lander is unable to see.

After acquiring the images the rover moved to the next target which is the rock "Chimp". The rover stopped about a half meter to the left of this rock because telemetry indicated a stall in the left rear wheel which was possibly caused by a pebble being stuck in the wheel. This has occurred in the past and the rover should be able to clear this condition on its own.

The plan for tomorrow calls for completing the move to the rock Chimp in preparation for placing the APXS on the rock.

More high rate data should be receive around 7:00 PM PDT tomorrow.

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