The York Minster


The 11th September we visit the York Minister. We had a guide, Timo Little, who talk us about the cathedral and all the things that we can see in it.
The Metropolitical church of St Peter in York is the largest medieval Gothic cathedral in northern Europe. Mynister derive form the Latin word monasterium, but the York minister has never been a monastery as we understand the word today, it has always been a cathedral, because it has the seat of a bishop, and contained his cathedra, or throne.
The most beautiful thing that we can see in the cathedral are the windows. The windows had to be cleaned every one hundred years because it cleans piece to piece as a puzzle. For exemple, the Great East window, is the biggest stainglass window in the world, and the last cleaning of it took ten years to complete. Every window is different. The Bells window is interesting because it was construct like an advertisement by a man who made bells near the cathedral. Another famous window is the Five Sisters, it's a memorial to the women of Empire who lost their lives in the First World War.
The central tower fell down in 1407, and it was reconstructed. The actual tower is shorter, it is 60 meters high and the 16.000.000 kg similar weight as 400 jumbo jets. In the crossing there are the quire screen, the figures that adorn it represent the kings of England from William I to Henry VI.
The fire of July 1984 gutted the south Transept, and the roof and ceiling had to be completely rebuilt. In 1984 the roof of the transepts were similar, but after the fire the south transept were different that the north transept.