Ghosts and Spirits in Edinburgh


In Saturday 13th September we did the Ghostwalk in Edinburgh. It started late, about 11 o' clock and we were waiting the guide in the Castle. After waiting 10 minutes, came to persons, one was dressed like Dracula, with the face painted in white. He was accompanied for another man, who were a long dress, made with the same material that are made the sacks, and also was wearing a mask.

We started the ghostwalk, speaking about wishes. We stopped at a corner of a house, and told as that there, killed some wishes and started to give us a lot of ways of execution and torture. He told many executions were made because the people thought that some were was wish, specially if someone was redhair. Then they torture her until she "recognised" that she was a wish and said the name of another wishes. Then to give thanks, they stopped to torture and kill her. In Scotland were killed about 4.000 wishes.


How in our group was a redhair, Laura Terrades, the guide asked her to try some instruments of torture, of course he didn't torture her but everybody laugh a lot.

We egan to walk in the historic centre and he told us that in the past, five centuries ago in Edinburgh lived around 40.000 people, nowadays, in the same place, only live around 6.000 people, so the city was very dirty. It was optimum for the best killer of the history, the black pest that came from the fleas of the rats. When told it to us, we heart a noise , and he said that it was usually that people threw through the windows rubbish and excrement and we saw the helper of the guide in a window handing a cub, we ran away because we where sacred that he will threw the faecal water to us. But in a few seconds he was not there, the guide spoke again but two minutes later, the helper was running and shouting to us and ran away, it was very funny.



Then we went to another part of the city, an ancient place of execition, he told us that he was killed in this place The Grass Market in 1.818 acusated of robbery.
Also told us that near of that place, was the Medicine School, that in these ages, they needed more cadavers, so, they paid people to go to the cemetery to get a cadaver. They had to be fresh , and depending the fresh they paid more or less. If they were good, they paid 10 pounds, that in our days it is about 400 pounds.

The people were angry so, the mayor ordered to put towers and guards in the cemetery, but a man called Robert Nadt needed more money and started to kill drunkards, giving them whisky and then he killed them. Also he killed prostitutes ,asking them for them services, and when he was with them, he killed them with a pillow.
While he was talking that to us, his helper went out of the rubbish container, also shouting and doing stupid things, trying to scare us.

The ghostwalk continued, with more stories, and finished at 1 o'clock , we said goodbye to our new friends, and we went to the hotel to sleep. We spent a very good time, and we learnt more new stories to tell.