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THIEVES AND BURGLARS Multiple choice Intermediate level
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense

It's a weird world out there. Here are a few stories about burglars that would be difficult to believe if they weren't true...

 A burglar in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York had some rather unexpected help when he  his getaway. While he was coolly making his exit with a suitcase full of stolen jewels he  down the staircase. The suitcase  open and the thief watched open-mouthed as his glittering hoard spilled out. A porter and a house detective  over and helped him put the $5,000,000 worth of jewels back in his case. Then they kindly  him to a cab and waved as he  off.

 The owner of a drugstore in suburban Boston showed great calm and cunning when he  by two young men with shotguns. They took all the occupants hostage and demanded drugs. Henry Harmer, the owner, stayed calm and agreeably  some drugs for the gunmen. He even got some water for them to wash them down! Then he watched with great satisfaction as the gunmen slowly crumpled. One of them  some tranquillizers, the other some sleeping pills and a small amount of rat poison. Police came and  the gunmen away as they slumbered.

 Weiner Bryan of Rochester, New York was unable to immediately open a safe he  , so he hopped in a cab and ordered the driver  around town while he tried to open the safe. After  up $31 in cab fares during a futile effort it open, he finally gave up and dumped it in a river. Weiner was later arrested and sentenced to twenty years in jail. His reaction when he that the safe contained only forty four pencils and some postage stamps was not recorded.

 A young thief came across a Polaroid camera when he  a house in Memphis, Tennessee. He  it up and while examining it, accidently  his own picture. Without  , the batty burglar left the photo on the floor and departed from the house. When the owner home and found a photo of the startled-looking youth on the floor, he  it to the police. They had no trouble in and apprehending him.

 In 1933, a French burglar attempted  a house while wearing a full suit of armour. Not surprisingly he made so much noise that the owner woke up and tackled him by  a heavy sideboard over him. The move not only ensured his capture, but damaged the armour so badly that it proved impossible  off. For the first day in custody the man had to be fed through his visor while waiting for a blacksmith  him out.

 A man robbed a supermarket in New York and was successful until he  the store and made his way down the street. It  long for the police to pick him up. He failed to make good his escape partly because his stolen haul was an enormous, heavy bag filled with $5,000 in coins, and partly because he  his gorilla mask.

 Two men  six sheep from a farm at Mundford, Norfolk in the UK but found that they could only get five of them in the back of their van. They decided the odd sheep between them in the front of the van. The men had through a town on their way home and feared the sheep  in the front with them would look conspicuous, so they disguised it by  a trilby hat on its head.

 A burglar in Chattanooga, Tennessee came up with the bright idea of his socks off and putting them over his hands  leaving fingerprints at the scene of the crime. But it didn't pull the wool over the eyes of the local police department. The burglar  when police identified him by his footprints.

 One morning a woman in a London suburb  up to a very alarming sight. There was the dead body of a man half in and half out of her bedroom window. The police pondered on this unusual spectacle and eventually  that he was a burglar who  stuck and suffered a fatal heart attack in trying himself.

 At a bank robbery in London two men  a jewellery shop manager's briefcase and made off. They were unlucky, as all the brief case  was the manager's lunch.