Hitchcock's Rebecca



Now we are going to do some work on Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca.  In order to do this activity you need the CD-ROM Cinemania 97 (Microsoft).  You might need to install it in your computer, in this case follow the instructions below: 

         Go to Inici | Configuració | Tauler de Control | Addició supressió de programes
         Click  Install
         Insert the  CD-ROM  and click  Next
         Now you will see D:\SETUP.EXE 
         Click  Finish
         Choose the options that apply to you. 

        And now go to Inici | Programes | Microsoft Multimedia | Cinemania 97 and get ready to start . 

       1.Go to Content Sources and look for information about Alfred Hitchcock. When and where was he born?
       2.How many of his films have you seen? 
       3.What genre was he a master of?
       4.Two of his films were based on novels by Daphne du Maurier. Which ones?
       5. Now find about his film  Rebecca . Listen to Mrs. Danvers speaking to Mrs. de Winter. 


          And now fill in the gaps : 

"You are overwrought, madam. I've opened the window for you, a little air will do you good. Why don't you go? Why don't you ...(1)... Manderley? He doesn't ... (2) ... you. He has his memories. He doesn't ...(3)...  you. he wants to be ... (4)...  again with her. You've nothing to ... (5)... for. You've nothing to live for really, ... (6)...  you? Look ... (7)...  there. It's easy, ... (8)...  it? Why don't you? Why don't you? Go on. Go on, don't be afraid...."

       6.The producer of Rebecca  got an Academy Award for this film in 1940 . What's his name?  One year earlier one of the greatest movies ever made, also produced by him,  had  won eight awards. What film are we talking about?
       7. And now watch the movie-clip of this famous film. Who's hiding behind the sofa?
       8. Listen to the conversation between Vivien leigh and him and fill in the gaps. 

-  Sir, you ...(a)...  have made your presence known.
-  In the middle of that beautiful love scene?That wouldn't have been very tactful, ... (b) ...  it? But don't worry, your ... (c)... is  safe with me.
- Sir, you are no ... (d)... 
- And you ... (e) ...  are no lady .

       9.And now let's go back to Rebecca. Read the reviews  and find out how Hitchcock altered the original story regarding Rebecca's death. How is it different in the book and in the film?
      10. Rebecca's producer and director also argued politely with each other  about Laurence Olivier, whom Selznick disliked as an actor and Hitchcock admired. To cast the female lead, Selznick wanted Loretta Young, but this notion was discarded. Who did Olivier suggest for the role? How was she related to him?  In  the end 22-year-old Joan fontaine was given the role even though Hitchcock and Olivier did not want her. 
      11.How many nominations did Rebecca have? How many awards  did it win? 
      12.Which other actresses were nominated that year? Who got the award for best actress? 
      13.Let's find out something about the academy awards. When were  these gold-plated statuettes known as Oscars first given? 
      14. How does the voting go?
      15. Where does the name "Oscar" come from, according to Hollywood legend?? 
      16. How can you become a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? 
      17. When Hitchcock needed a few additional  people to fill  the screen in The Lodger , he cast himself as an extra. The  Hitchcock cameo
came to be a legend in itself . Where's Hitch in Rebecca? 
      18. Have a look at Hitchcock's master shots. It is said that Selznick wanted to add a touch  of his own to the end of Rebecca.What was it? Was it included in the film? 


  Now go to the Celebrity Tours and enter The World of Alfred Hitchcock . Listen to Bob Dorian telling us about Hitchcock  and say whether the following statements are true or false. 

1. Hitchcock never had to use a shooting script because he had all the lines memorized. 
2. Alfred Hitchcok's opinion is that there is more terror in the anticipation of the event than in the event itself. 
3. Alfred Hitchcok's camera  sides with the innocent in films like Rope, Saboteur, Strangers on a Train
4. In Dial M for Murder  the murderer get murdered. 
5. The famous 45 second shower scene in Psycho took one week to  film
6. Alfred's father was in jail when Hitchcock was a child. 

And now  Check your answers

NOTE: If you want more information on this subject you can go to Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca or visit the Microsoft Cinemania World Wide Web site at : http://cinemania.msn.com/