letter 4 

  • Contents: arguing, agreeing, disagreeing, arguments, feelings
  • Vocabulary: 
You're absolutely right!  
I support. 
It could be so.  
I agree with..... up to a point... 
I think so 
On the other hand... 
There is another way to look at this issue. 
That can't be right! 
I don't think so. 
I oppose 
I disagree 
 You can also use neutral sentences, such as.... 
In my opinion, 
as far as I know,  
I think that,  
We could talk about...
You can also number  your arguments: 

First, I think that.... 
Second, I want to say that... 
Third, I like.... 
Finally, I agree with this because.... 

In my opinion...
     In this letter you have to give your opinion on a particular topic: 

     "Discos and pubs should not be opened after 2 a.m. on Saturdays" 

     The letter must have 3 different paragraphs. 

    1. The first paragraph is an introduction (you explain what you are going to talk about). 
    2. In the second paragraph you state your ideas about this topic and give arguments for it (you give reason telling why you think this topic is right) 
    3. In the third paragraph you also state your own ideas about the topic. But this time you argument against it. 
    4. The fourth paragraph is a conclusion. Summarize what you have said. Say good bye. 

Letter 4                                                                          (Town and country)  


Dear .....................         

(1)     Hello, how are you?  (personal questions or comments). Today I will tell you what I think about the following sentence: "Discos and pubs should not be opened after 2 a.m. on Saturdays". Here in Spain discos usually close about 4, 5 or even 6 in the morning. But there are many objections to this, especially neighbours and other people who want to finish with this.  

(2)      (In part) I agree with that statement. First, I think that.....        

(3)      On the other hand, I do not agree with this sentence because of the following reasons: 

1. I do not think that.. 

2. I cannot stand... 

3. ... 

and finally because....            

(4)       Ok, let's finish now. I hope you like my arguments and write an answer to me.  What time do discos close in your country? 

All the best, 




 task 4