


If you choose this section you will have to read the text at the following page, and then write a summary including the main ideas.

After having consulted the page you will have to explain orally what gettos were.

If you choose this section you will have to read the text at the following page, and write a summary including the main ideas.

Then, have a look at the following page, and make a list of the different types of work prisoners had to do as well as the hard conditions in which they were obliged to work.

Section 3:"Victims:the homosexuals "

If you choose this section you will have to read a text at the following page, and write a summary including the main ideas.

After having consulted this page, you will have to make a list of the different concentration camps.

If you choose this section you will have to read a text at the following page, i, resumir les idees principals.

Consult the page and then explain to your classmates how and when were the prisonners freed.

If you choose this section you will have to read a text at the following page, and write a summary including the main ideas.

Here is a map to locate the gas chambers.

PERSONALS STORIES Here are some of the witnesses for those events. Each group will have to choose a story, read it andthen do an oral presentation to their classmates

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