Evaluation criterias


Here are 3 evaluacion criterias to be used by the teacher:

1. Activities completion / execution observation

2. Evaluation of the oral presentation

3. Group work reports evaluation  



Evaluation Rubric


Avaluation criterias/Expectation level





Navigation and flow

Still needs help to use the links and to surf the Internet.

Can use occasionally the links and surf easilythe Internet

Can use the links to find the information and surf easily the Internet

Use successfully the links to find the information and surf easily the Internet


The summary is not easy to read and doesn’t present the information required

The summary presents most of the information required and is quite understandable.

The summary presents the information required and is understandable.

The summary relates in detail all the information required

Quantity ofthe information

One or two topics haven’t been treated

All the topics have been treated andmost questions have been answered with at least a sentence.

All the topics have been treated and most questions have been answered with at least two sentences each.

All the topics have been treated and all the questions have been answered with three or more sentences

Quality of the information

The information is not linked to the main topic.

The information is linked to the main topic but doesn’t present any example

The information is clearly linked to the topic and presents a few examples

The information is clearly linked to the main topic and presents several examples.

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