Gap-fill exercise

Read this text about this festival and find the right title for each paragraph :

The Edinburgh Military Tattoo has its origins in the displays given during the Festival in the late 1940’s on the Castle Esplanade. In 1950 it was decided to present the displays accompanied by military bands and the famous Tattoo was created.

The Edinburgh Castle has been an important Royal residence and fortress since 1088. It has a turbulent story. It has changed hands many times, it has been assaulted, sacked and bombarded. Now it comes to life each August with brilliant lights, marching soldiers and the sound of pipes and drums.

The Tattoo has always welcomed many guests from the Commonwealth and the rest of the world. It all started with the presence of three overseas bands from The Netherlands, Canada and France in 1952. Visitor performers have included the US Marine Corps, members of the Singapore Armed Forces performing the spectacular Golden Lion Dance, dancers from Sri Lanka, motorcyclists from Hong-Kong, musicians from Oman, flag-wavers from Florence and many, many more exciting and welcome guests.

A sense of history always pervades the Tattoo, where scenes from the past have often been recreated. You can also see today’s forces in action showing their new techniques or commando tactics and one of the most popular performances, the animal demonstrations such as The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the RAF Police Dog Demonstration Team. About 9,000 people can watch this display of colour, music, action, pomps and ceremony !