3. EDITING. You are going to do some writing work. Read the book review below and, RE-WRITE it, by making it longer and richer. You may want to use the 7 pieces of information given below the review.

Why do this?
    This tasks helps you understand that drafts/first versions can be improved.
    It is a guided writing practice.



Kazuo Ishiguro (Penguin)

Here comes his first novel in five years. We meet Christopher Banks, England's most celebrated detective. He is able to solve all mysteries but one: what happened to his parents in old Shangai when he was a boy?

author of "The remains of the day" and "Unconsoled"
novel set in England in the 30's
the protagonist returns to Shangai
the protagonist investigates his parent's disappearance
the world lurches towards WW-II
themes: memory, loss, need to understand our past
adjectives: moving, long-awaited





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