1. Take as long as you like for a second reading.

Why do this? To be able to observe the model in detail.


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and deep disagreement with the policy, which you lead as chief editor of the weekly supplement where you most often use misleading photographs of women for all sorts of commercial purposes.

I want to complain because you fail to include true information about the item on sale. Instead, you support the use of offensive photographs, untrue captions, inappropriate suggestions, wrong connections, subtle / negative implications and all sorts of other ways of selling.

I am enclosing two pictures under the title "In need for vehicle?" for you to compare your own photographs with those with other weekly magazines such as "The word inside out". In this popular magazine the editor denounces issue after issue that poverty-stricken people favour the existence of dictators and that hunger is, today, the cheapest political weapon to control a nation. Please note the critical view that the pictures of those two women offer by providing a powerful contrast between the 1st and the 3rd worlds.

In my opinion you should work in the same line as 10 years ago when your magazine first came to light. Could you try and display again the same rebellious spirits? It is time something was done without further excuses such as "this sells well". I would greatly appreciate it, if you did something on the other lines than merely trying to increase/double every year's profits.
Looking forward to seeing new signs of your old-but-hopefully- not-lost-yet commitment,

Yours faithfully,



SWIM HomeActivities Intermediate