Only 50% of university students who take up computer science studies in Spain manage to finish their 4-year degree. The major reason for quitting is the fact that students are offered all sorts of jobs in business. Despite all these students the number of computer experts needed today is four times as large as that.
It is striking that in a country such as Spain the immigration policy goes two ways: whereas all sorts of restrictions are applied to non-qualified manual workers, special visas are issued on purpose to attract computer experts from countries outside Europe in order to meet the needs of the market.

If you like, give your opinion on this issue: should some jobs be rated higher than others? Does this kind of policy support the idea that there are first class citizens as opposed to third class ones?
Should human beings be able to migrate freely? Or should migration policies depend on the colour of their skin, their qualifications as workers, etc?
Do you know of other similar discriminatory policies?


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