You want to ask her what the meeting is about but she doesn't speak English well and communicating is somehow difficult.

She scribbles a few words and draws some simple lines on a paper bag that she takes from the counter in the shop. She points at one of the drawings and says: "Midnight here". The drawing shows a cave on a hill situated between the village and the sea shore. You answer: "OK... midnight, thank you".

After dinner you walk in that direction and you go past other people who cheerfully talk among themselves in the native language.

Once at the entrance to the cave people sit down in a circle. A few of them play some drums. Their rhythm invites you to dance. A woman who is wearing a mask enters the circle and twists around in big steps. Someone places a small glass at her feet and, at some point, she grasps it in turn and puts it in front of another person. This gesture looks like an invitation to take part in the dance. One after the other most people join in and the atmosphere livens up. The beating of the drums gets faster and faster till it suddenly stops.

Then some men light a fire at the far bottom of the cave and the flames project gigantic shadows on the walls and the ceiling.

A bottle filled up with some liquid is passed around and everyone drinks a gulp from it. When the person sitting by you hands the bottle over to you, you perceive a strong smell of eau-de-vie - a kind of alcohol made of sugar cane-. Floating inside the bottle there's a black spider. How do you react?

    You drink out of the bottle like the rest of them.
    You pass the bottle on to the next person without drinking.
    You feel sick and leave the cave for your room.