You set out for the woods but walk aimlessly. You find a narrow winding path and follow it for some time. You get to a hut in a clearing and there's just one only light that flickers through one open window.

You approach it just to find the black woman you met who is now cooking something on an old stove. It smells like spicy chicken. You say "Hello" to her and she turns back and looks at the window in surprise. When she sees it's you, she smiles back. She then opens the door and invites to have some of the broth she's cooking. It smells really nice so you feel tempted. You wash the chicken down with some more of the same alcohol you had in the cave and you feel your brain going soft.

You begin to talk though you know for sure that she cannot understand you. Then, you go quiet. At some point she holds your hand and follows the lines on it with her long varnished nails. She tries to explain something but you cannot make head or tail* of her words. She then takes a piece of paper and draws a snake, a stone, a bowl and a bright sun.

After that, she draws a man dropping the stone on the serpents' head and a woman cutting it off with a long knife. The serpent's poison goes into the bowl and the man drinks from it. Then the sun shines and the man is drawn flashing a radiant smile. He looks really happy.

You see that the woman is telling you to do this but you just manage to mutter "Perhaps... some other day".

You feel sleepy and point at a hammock which is hanging in the corner as if asking for permission to lie on it. She nods her head and you stay for the night. The following morning you shake hands and leave.

After some time in the island you are told that there will be one flight to the main land in two days' time. What do you do?

    Go back to the woman and let her do the spell.
    Wait in town for your flight.