Brussels Active Citizen Week

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The major European event has been the organisation of the European Young Citizens' Week in the European Parliament in Brussels from 3 to 9th May. Previous sensibilisation activities have been carried out in all partner countries.This event has coincided with the Open door day of the European Parliament the 5th May.

All CONNECT projects have displayed their outcomes in an exhibition holding several stands, giving presentations and debates with members of the European Parliament, project promoters on active European citizenship and general public. Lecturers and professors from Teacher Training Colleges and Universities from participating countries have presented case studies of Civic Education from different countries and perspectives.

This week has been the culminating event of this project and has reflected what has happened at local, regional and national level. It has also been the opportunity to organise a major creative event on the theme of active European citizenship involving creative skills of several pupils and youngsters involved.

The most successful activity has been a theatre performance with drama, dances and songs focussing on the theme of European citizenship. The youngsters from the schools or associations which have been most successful have been invited to Brussels to be given their group prizes.