Els alumnes de segon han decorat ous bullits tal com fan els nens i nenes anglesos quan arriba la Pasqua.

De fet, hi ha moltes maneres de decorar un ou, es pot fer simplement amb rotuladors de colors, amb gomets, amb pintura de dits, etc. Si bé, nosaltres hem optat per la pintura i ha resultat molt divertit i força vistós.

El fet d'haver de compartir els colors, ens ha proporcionat ocasions per practicar la llengua oral, ja que s'havien de demanar les pintures en anglès.

Aquí podeu observar el procés i el resultat final.

You need:

Boiled eggs, paints, brushes (different sizes), water, paper and cotton.

1. Cover the space where you are going to work with paper (so you keep the floor clean).

2. Sit down, hand out the eggs and get the paints ready. It's better to share them so you can communicate with each other in english.


3. Use your favourite colour to cover the egg. Be carefull, don't press hard, it's boiled, but it's an egg!

(Open the window and let them dry for some minutes...)

4. Now use different colours and a clean brush to make decorations. It depens on your imagination, it can be: lines, dots, spots, faces, forms...

Look at this green and red egg!

Look at all of them! We used the cotton to put the eggs on it, otherwise you should have "Broken eggs".