
This is a game for 2 to 4 players ages 6 and up.

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for each player. You also need 1 die.

The object of this game is to complete a drawing of a jack-o-lantern before the other players do.

Players roll the die to see who starts. The player with the highest number goes first. You must roll the exact number to draw each item. Each item must be drawn in order. If you can not draw what you have rolled, the turn passes to the next player. (For a faster game, or for younger players, you can draw the items in any order).

Roll a 1.....draw a circle for the pumpkin

Roll a 2.....draw the stem

Roll a 3.....draw one eye

Roll a 4.....draw the other eye.

Roll a 5.....draw the nose

Roll a 6.....draw the mouth.

A variation on this game, for older players, is to carve the pumpkin instead of drawing it. In that case, the player would roll a 1 to scoop out his pumpkin.

