You might consider using halloween words to make this a truly:
seasonal story.

  2. adjective (description word like big, funky, orange)
    2. appliance (machine in the house)
    3. person here now
    4. room
    5. adjective
    6. famous person
    7. form of transportation
    8. number
    9. adjective
    10. noun (person, place or thing)
    11. colour
    12. colour
    13. adjective
    14. colour
    15. noun (plural)
    16. noun
    17. article of clothing
    18. adjective
    19. adjective
    20. body parts (plural)
    21. adjective
    22. food
    23. another famous person
    24. ordinal number (2nd, 4th)
    25. yet another famous person
    26. song or other musical piece
    27. -ing verb (action word - jumping, skiing)
    28. appliance
    29. noun (plural)
    30. appliance
    31. greeting
    32. adjective
    33. phrase
    34. adjective
    35. and nickname

Seasonal Story:

It was a dark _1_______________________ night when the harsh ringing of the _2_________________ awoke _3________________ from a sound sleep in the _4__________________. It was that _5______________ _6____________________ calling. "I need a babysitter right now, can you help?" _3________________ couldn't turn down such a desperate plea. "I'll hop in the _7__________________ right now and be right over. Where do you live?"_6__________________ said, " I live in the _8__________________ house on _9_______________ _10__________________ Lane. You can't miss the place. It is _11________________ and _12________________ with _13_________________, _14___________________ _15_______________s all around. _3_________________ rang the doorbell and a voice from the intercom said, "Come in through the _16________________ . Since it is so wet and muddy out there, be sure to take off your _17_________- before you come in." _3__________________ was thrilled to see _18__________________, _19_________________ _6________________ standing right there in person. She/he was so excited her/his _20________________ were shaking. "The children are asleep upstairs, there is some _21________________ _22______________ in the fridge for you to eat. But be careful...there is an insane murderer loose in the neighbourhood. The police have given us warnings to not leave the house - but I can't miss this party for _23_______________ _24____________ birthday. For entertainment _25____________________ will be singing _26_________________ while _27_______________ through the air. Anyway this dememted killer is stalking people right around here somewhere so lock all the doors. And have a good time!"

_3__________________ sat down to watch the _28_______________ when suddenly the power went out. Fumbling around for some emergency _29___________________s and the matches to light them, the piercing ringing of the _30______________________ startled _3_______________. _3________________ picked it up and said _31________________. There was only heavy breathing on the other end of the line. "Who is this? why are you calling me?" The creepy _32_________________ voice said, "_33______________________ and Happy Halloween you _34___________________ _35___________________.

