1 person here
2 famous person
3 adjective
4 colour
5 animal (plural)
6 famous person
7 music or song
8 famous person
9 another person here
10 movie
11 famous person
12 letter
13 number
14 famous person
15 way of talking (whispered, shouted)
16 person here
17 food
18 liquid
19 liquid
20 way of talking (whispered, shouted)
21 famous person
22 liquid
23 liquid
24 liquid
25 reaction to taste (yuk, yum)
26 person here
27 way of talking (whispered, shouted)
28 name
29 colour
30 vegetable
31 sharp item
32 same vegetable as #30
33 item that gives light
34 colour
35 person here
36 famous person

On Halloween 1_______________ and 2_________________ decided to get the house ready for the Halloween party. First they cut3________________4_______________5__________________ out of construction paper and hung them from the ceiling. Of course they had to choose scary music 6_________________ said 7________________ sung by 8____________________ is the most frightening song I've ever heard. Have you thought of renting a horror movie said 9___________________? I've heard the remake of 10__________________ starring 11_________________ is so scary it's rated_12_____________ which means that no one under 13______________14_______________15_________________ in 16_________________'s ear, I think we should serve 17__________________pizza with 18________________sauce and __19_______________. What about punch 20________________ 21______________. Well, let's just mix __22________________,23_______________and24________________25_________________26________________27__________________. Well I think it's time for the piece de resistance, the 28_________________ -o-lantern They chose the biggest 29________________30_______________ they could find. They grabbed the 31_________________ and carved a face in the 32_______________ and put in a 33________________ inside. It glowed an eerie 34_______________ and 35_______________ said "Creepy. It looks just like 36_________________. Now that's scary!"

