The witch and the cat

Once upon a time a cat fell in love with a handsome young man. The cat went to a witch and asked her to change her into a pretty young woman, so that she might marry the young man.

The witch agreed, for she cared nothing for the young man, nor whom he married.

The cat, who was now a pretty girl, moved into the cottage next to the young man's home and soon they were engaged to be married.

However, the boy's mother, who knew something of witchcraft, did not like the girl. She did not like her green eyes which had black slits like cat's eyes, instead of round pupils as ordinary humans have.

The mother suspected that the girl was really a cat and told her son. However, he would hear nothing against his sweetheart and said his mother was merely jealous.

Determined that her son should not marry a cat, the mother waited until the whole family was seated in the parlour, then she let loose a mouse to run across the room. Immediately the girl, forgetting she was a young lady and only remembering her cat's feelings, pounced on the mouse and shook it in her mouth.

Then the young man believed the girl was a cat and the marriage did not take place; and the girl went back to being a cat and took up her old ways


