Are you an expert on earthquakes?

You probably know everything about earthquakes now.  Let's see if you can answer the following questions:

  1. What are earthquakes?
  2. Name four types of earthquakes
  3. Can you name the three main types of earthquakes waves?
  4. How are earthquakes recorded?
  5. What is the most common magnitude scale?
Now write a paragraph about earthquakes.  You can use the answers to the questions above.

Click here to check your answers.


Now let's learn about some inventions and their use.


Possible answers

  1. Earthquakes are the Earth's natural means of releasing stress
  2. Tectonic, volcanic, collapse and explosion earthquakes
  3. Primary waves, secondary waves and surface waves.
  4. By means of a seismograph
  5. The Richter scale
Did you get them right?  Congratulations!