
1. Who does these things?

Eli - John Book - Rachel - Samuel - the men - the women
1. _______________ crashes into a bird house
2. _______________ sees a murder in a toilet.
3. _______________ help to build a barn for a newly married couple.
4. _______________ cook for the men.
5. _______________ make a beadspread.
6. _______________ rings the bell to ask for help.
7. _______________ come to help because they hear the bell.
8. _______________ repairs his car.
9. _______________ dances to the music in John's car radio.
10. _______________ is angry when he sees Rachel dancing.
11. _______________ makes a toy for Samuel.
12. _______________ teaches John Book to milk a cow.
13. _______________ doesn't want Samuel to play with the gun.
14. _______________ kills two murderers.
15. _______________ gives John her husband's clothes.

2. What do the Amish do? Put the verb into the affirmative or negative form.


1. The Amish (LIVE) _______________ in Pennsilvania, Ohio and Indiana.
2. They (TRAVEL) _______________ by horse or on foot.
3. They (USE) _______________ electricity, telephones, cars or television.
4. The women (WEAR) _______________ long dresses and a bonnet. They (WEAR) _______________ makeup.
5. The men often (HAVE) _______________ beards, but not moustaches.
6. Their clothes (HAVE) _______________ buttons or zippers.
7. The Amish (LIVE) _______________ in large families and everyone (HELP) _______________ with the work.
8. The men and boys (WORK) _______________ in the farms and the women and girls (WORK) _______________ in the house.
9. All the neighbours (HELP) _______________ to build a new barn.
10. Nobody (WORK) _______________ on Sundays because they go to church.

Núria Brichs