Portafolio personal > Gestión de proyectos > Spring 2003 > Wedding traditions in Spain > Student's texts


Wedding traditions in Spain imply that before the wedding the best man writes a poem to the bride. The groom can't see the bride previous to the wedding.

The groom arrives in time but the bride always arrives late. After the ceremony starts the priest blesses at the newly-weds.
During the wedding the wife and husband go to eat.

After the wedding the groom's friends cut his tie to collect money for him and the newly-weds' friends play a joke on them.
This wedding has already been celebrated.

Tamara and Miriam - 15

Before the wedding the groom can't see the bride and the best man writes a poem to the bride. All the family member from both families usually meet at the church. Usually every member that assists to the wedding is formally dressed.

During the wedding the bride arrives late. The wedding dress is traditionally white and usually brides wear a garter. The broom is usually dressed with a black (or dark) tuxedo.

After the wedding the bride throws her bouquet (this tradition comes from America). Rice and flowers are traditionally thrown over the couple to bring fertility to the newly-weds. These cut the cake with a sword. The groom's friend cuts his tie to collect money for him and the newly-wed's friends play a joke on them. Usually after the wedding all the families and friends go to a restaurant to celebrate the wedding.

Alex and Josan - 15


In Spain the groom can't see the bride before the wedding. The best man writes a poem to the bride. The bride is very nervous. The bride arrives very late to the church . This day is very important for the bride and for the groom.

The bride throws her bouquet. The person who gets it will be the next person to marry.

In Spain rice and flowers are traditionally thrown over the couple to bring fertility to the newly-weds. After the wedding they go to the restaurant with all the friends and relatives.