Wild animals



We are goint to do a photo album about wild animals.


Clic on the adress:



Part 1. Go to'Virtual Zoo'. Select 'elephant'. Clic the photo. Copy and paste the photo on

a Microsoft Word document. Write a sentence about the elephant in the picture.


Part 2. Do the same but select 'dolphin' and then 'giraffe'. Paste the two pictures

on the same Word document and write down a sentence.


Part 3. Go to 'Photo Gallery' . Clic on to the option 'bears'. Choose

one of the photographs, copy it and paste in your album. Write a sentence.


Part 4. Do the same with 'Dolphins & Whales'. Select one whale picture, copy and

paste it in your album. Don't forget writing a sentence.


Clic the following address:



Part 5. Select the following groups:

-Primats-monkey-images-gelada babcon. Copy and paste the photo.

-Ukreptiles-snake-grass snake head. Copy and paste the photo.

-Sharks-great white shark.Copy and paste the photo.

Write the sentences.


After doing all these parts put above every photograph the name of the animal which is in it. Save it in a: as

'photo album'.