L'hivern al nostre poble és més aviat trist ja gue la majoria dels dies està emboirat, encara gue ja fa dos hiverns que ens acompanya bastant el sol, i és per això gue no ha fet gaire fred. 
Tot i gue l'hinvern sol ser una estació trista, al nostre poble se celebren varies festes que l'omplen de color i alegria. 
Les més importants són les Festes de Nadal, amb el gran pessebre a la Plaça de l'Església, els Homes dels Nassos, i finalment la tant esperada cavalcada dels Reis Mags de l'Orient, plena de focs, colors...i regals! 
El dia 16 de Iener celebrem la Festa de Sant Antoni amb els veins dels carrers sopant al voltant de grans fogueres i on petits i grans es diverteixen tirant petards. 
Finalment, pel febrer, celebrem la festa del Carnestoltes, "el rei dels poca soltes" que és tota una festa de gresca, disbauxa i disfresses. 
Aguestes festes fan gue tinguem un hivern més curt i feliç. 
          Oscar Miró Canals  
          2n Cicle Superior 

Ninot de neu
Winter are usually cold, cloudy and even foggy at my village. That's why many people think that this season is sad and depressing. 
However, there are some festivals that fill this grey time with colour and joy. 
Firstly, Christmas time, with the nativity scene at the Church Square,  the "Noses Man", who comes on New Year's Live and, finally, the Three Wise Men with their cavalcade full of colours and fireworks...And their 
presents also! On 16th January we celebrate St. Anthony's day with its bonfires in the streets and people having dinner around them, while children amuse 
themselves firing crackers. 
Finally, in the february, we celebrate Carnival, especially bright and colourful with its fancy dresses and "Carnestoltes" the king of the nonsenses. 
All this festivals make our long and sad winter shorter and happier. 

The "Noses Man": Imaginary personage who arrives in the towns on New Year' Eve. Children are waiting for him because they have been told that the man has as many noses as the year has days. Of course, as the  
year only has one day left, the "Noses Man" only has one nose as everybody has. True, that his nose is as big as his generosity. He shares a great quantity of sweets among the children whoare waiting for him in the streets. The "Carnestoltes": Imaginary personage who is blamed for every bad luck in the world and burn at the stake for it.


Un dia de Desembre feia molt fred, molt vent i nevava. 
Va ser divertit. A més a més, de no anar al "cole", vam fer 
un ninot de neu, però el meu era especial. Al llarg del dia em vaig adonar gue el meu ninot parlava i conversava amb mi. 
El primer cop em pensava gue no podia ser veritat, que eren imaginacions meves, però quan em vaig a donar que realment parlava, em vaig guedar tant sorprès gue, aleshores, el que no podia parlar era jo. 
Quan vaig reaccionar vaig pensar gue seria millor fer-me el simp…tic amb ell. Poc a poc, ens vam anar fent molt bons amics. Però en acabar de nevar, va sortir el sol i començà a fer calor, i el ninot, a poc a poc, es comencàr a fondre, fins que es va desfer. 
Cada cop gue arriba l'hinvern contemplo, des de la finestra de casa meva, el lloc on estava el ninot i recordo gue amb ell m'ho passava molt bé. 

      Joan Carles Mas Montosa 
      2n Cicle Superior

It was a cold and windy December day. It was snowing hard.It was great. We didn't go to school and we made snowmen. But my snowmanwas a special one. I noticed that it wanted to talk to me. At first, I thought that it was all in my imagination, that it couldn't be true. 
But, when I realized that it was really speaking, I felt so surprised that it was me who was speechless. When I managed to react, I thought that it would be better to be kind to him. We became good friends. 
But the weather changed. It stopped snowing and the sun appeared in the sky. It wasn't cold yet.  
The snow began to melt and the snowman disappeared. Every year, when winter comes, I look through the window at the spot where my snowman was and I remember how much I enjoyed our friendship.