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All about English

 earth There are 400,000,000 people who speak Spanish in the world today but at this very moment, approximately 750,000,000 people are speaking English all over the globe. This is almost a quarter of the population of the entire world. English is a very popular and important language with its own history. People in Great Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and  parts of Canada and South Africa speak English as their first language though they all have different accents, spelling and even words. In many countries where there are different first languages, such as India, people speak English as a second language to communicate with each other. People in other places in the world learn English as a foreign language, for example Japan or Spain.


This means that there are more non-native speakers of English in the world than native speakers! And the number is growing. Most of the world’s faxes and e-mail messages are in English. English is the language of computers, of science and of technology. It is the language for business, it is the language of travel, of pop music and of the Internet that is why many teenagers all over the world are learning how to communicate in English, just like you! English is the language of our planet, the first truly global language of all times! So you see, it doesn’t matter where you are born or what your accent is. English is your language, too!



Field, P., Last, J., Muñoz, P. and Páramo, J. (1998) Top Class 3. England: Burlington Books.