Father Christmas:


(Duent un gran sac) Here I am with presents for everybody in the family.

Father Christmas:


Rolleskates for Kate. That's the yellow present. A skateboard for Paul. That's the blue and pink present.

Father Christmas:


Gloves for mum. That's the purple present. And a tie for dad. That's the blue and white present. (El regal blau i blanc es pot veure a sota de l'arbre en la il.lustració 4.)

Father Christmas:


A scarf for grandma. That's the green present. And slippers for grandpa. That's the orange present. (El regal verd es pot veure a sota de l'arbre a la il.lustració 5.)



Woof! Woof! Woof! What's for me?

Father Christmas:


No present for you.



Woof! Woof! Woof! Now I've got a present too.


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