2. Write a short fable in the past tense to illustrate one of the proverbs.

If you like, make this activity into a chain. How?
By e-mailing your fable to another learner of English with the list of all the proverbs. Your mate is to read your fable and then, in turn, choose another proverb to write about. Then, once more, he/she can send both your story and his/hers to another learner. And the chain can carry on for about 10 people.

Note that the chain with the stories can work both ways:

1. By e-mailing new people and
2. By forwarding stories to previous learners. In this way you may all keep getting stories in your mailbox.

Acknowledgement: activity inspired by Writing Games; activity number 5 "Moral Tales".

Variation 1
Variation 2

If you like, you can send a few of the stories to some other friend with the proverbs that they illustrate and ask this person to match the stories and the proverbs- as if it were a guessing game!

You can do a group correction by making corrections and suggestions to your friends and asking them to do the same.

Why do this? Doing this activity will help the following:
    Get to know (and eventually learn) a lot of proverbs.
    Learn a lot of vocabulary.
    Practise your writing skills -you will be basically practising how to write stories in the past and how to recount events.
    You will have a chance to cooperate with other learners of English like you. You will all benefit from doing a lot of reading, a lot of writing and a lot of language learning by correcting each other.

In the end, you may decide to show your writings to your tutor/teacher so that (s)he can make some suggestions. His answer with the corrections can be forwarded to all the writers if their e-adresses are provided.



SWIM Home Activities Intermediate