teacher's corner
Stigliano december 13th 
Dear friends 
it's sunday ñight, and no teachers, no pupïls are in our school at this time. It's ten o'clock. It's cold. The roonr is in total sïlence. The computers are buzzing as usual! 
Mario, Francesco and I we are stil1 working at our newspaper. 
We have been working hard during last ~wo weeks! 
We have been turning over its pages again and a gain . Your pupil 's photos, drawings and writings are lovely! 
The t ypographer Paternoster in Matera could print it the next twesd y. The copies reserved for you could leave .Italy friday in the morning. 
Thank you Europe and . . . Merry Christmas ! 
Sebastiano Vïllani
Teacher's exchange 

Dear frïends, 
snowy greetings from Finland. Temperature ïs about -2 degrees and skis and skates are ready for the proper winter to come. 
Two teachers, Pasi Manninen(5B) and Eevariita Hukkanenl (English teacher) have packed their passports and toothbrushes and are eagerly waiting for an invïtatïon to Grecee,  to the next meeting. When mïght that be? Ann-Mari prïntz (5M) is filling an apptïcation for the teacher exchange. She'd like to come to Flix for two weeks in the end ofi May. 
Our headmaster, Yrjo Mustamaki, would also be willing to do a headmaster visit thïs year. 
As you can see we'd be happy to meet you in near future and we'd also be willing to host some of you any time. So welcome to Kuusankoski. 
If you'd like to experience a real winter with snow and minus degrees, the best time for that would be January-february. 
Otherwise spring time is quite a nice season here, too. 
We look fiorward to hearing from you soon 

You rs, 

From Greece 

Dear firïends, 

we hope that you are well and you are enjoying work at school. 
As we agreed last May the correspondence betweern classes would start do was to present thennselves. 
So we are sending you photos of all classes with the names of  the 
students and the teachers. These letters also have some information about classes, timetables and subjects. We expect that we'll  get your letters with similar photos and we are looking forward to seeing you soon this year. 

    Your Greek firiencis
Volos (Greece)