Hale Bopp


Alessandro Dimai and Davide Ghirardo
March 16, 1997
Col Drusciè Observatory

Last update: November 9, 1997

Recent images

November 7, 1997 
09:50 UT
Author: Ladislav Nemec 
Location: Big Cypress (Florida) 
Optics: Meade LX200 10 inch telescope and SBIG ST8 camera. 

120 second exposure. Field: 19x13 arcmins.

November 6, 1997 
09:46 - 11:00 UT
Author: Ian Griffin 
Location: Astronaut Memorial Planetarium & Observatory, Cocoa (Florida) 
Optics: Maksutov 12" f/5 telescope and SBIG ST8 camera. 

50 separate 50 second images of Hale Bopp have been flat fielded and combined to create this image. The image was obtained using a 12 inch Maksutov with 1524mm focal length and red filter. Image is 30 by 20 arc minutes. First image started at 04:46 EST with the last image started at 05:55 Stars look trailed in this composite image, since it was effectively guided on the comet's motion. 

November 5, 1997 
09:50 UT
Author: Ian Griffin 
Location: Astronaut Memorial Planetarium & Observatory, Cocoa (Florida) 
Optics: Maksutov 12" f/5 telescope and SBIG ST8 camera. 

50 second image of Hale Bopp have been flat fielded to create this image. The image was obtained using a 12 inch Maksutov with 1524mm focal length and no filter. Image is 30 by 20 arc minutes. This is an integrated white light image. Image started at 04:50 EST.