Information on the website


is a website in Catalan about the Greco-Roman civilization and its survival up to the present time: mythology, history, literature, art and archeology. Its purpose is mainly educational, but open to anybody interested in the ancient world.

Also in English and other languages:

Available on Atlas Flash web page, some Dynamic maps on ancient History
in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian and other languages:

  • Maps of ancient Italy
  • Roman world: republican period
  • Roman world: imperial period
  • Roman Empire (just in Latin)
  • Latin and romance languages (just English and Spanish).
  • The journey of Aeneas (just Dutch, Spanish and Galician).

Labyrint van Rome (Labyrinth of Rome) is partially translated into Dutch by Bart Mertens (work in progress).

It is also possible to visit a photogallery of Graeco-Roman images that you can see in thematic tours or geographically (cities, archeological sites or museums).

Authorship and copyright

This website has been created by Sebastià Giralt thanks to a grant of the Departament of Education of the Government of Catalonia for the course 2003-2004 and under the supervision of Pedro Luis Cano, professor of department of Latin philology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

This website is lodged by the server of the Xarxa Telematica Educativa de Catalunya.

Collaborators of the website: Manel Garcia Sánchez (texts under his name), Bart Mertens (Dutch translator).

Authorship: Sebastià Giralt Soler 2003-2013

The design and the texts of this website have been carried out by its author. Many of the photographs are also originals of its author. The rest of images come especially from other websites that allow their reproduction or, at least, do not forbid it. Reproducing the original contents of this website only for educational or not lucrative purposes is allowed, as long as the original source is mentioned.

Creative Commons License

Work under a Creative Commons licence


The educational website Λαβύρινθος · Labyrinthus · Laberint is structured in three basic itineraries:

  • The labyrinth of myths is an introduction to Greco-Roman gods and myths through literature and art both in ancient world and classical tradition.
  • The labyrinth of Greece is an approach to Hellenic culture and society with sections dedicated to ancient Athens, Greek colonial expansion, religion and Greek literature.
  • The labyrinth of Rome wants to introduce you into Latin language and Roman civilization by sections dedicated to History of Rome, Roman society and politics, Roman city, daily life, religion and Latin language and literature.

Other sections are the following ones:

  • The labyrinth of Internet is an aracniography or selection of links -in English and in other languages- about the Greco-Roman civilization and the classical tradition, classified by subjects.
  • The labyrinth of actuality wants to review the presence of the Greco-Roman antiquity in the actual world through news, activities, links and events from the 21st century in the ancient world.
  • The labyrinth of Flash leads you to maps, virtual buildings and other dynamic resources made with Flash.

You will find more information on this website in the following sections (in Catalan):

You can set with contact with the author to let know him news, informations, comments or suggestions in the section of
