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  Welcoming Helena  



Your teacher has told you that in a few weeks you will have a new classmate. Her name is Helena and she is blind. You want to welcome her to your school and the best way to do so is to look around and see what you can do to make her feel comfortable.



You have decided to rewrite all the signs of your school in Braille and place them at a comfortable height so that Helena can find and read them easily.

:: ACTIVITIES | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |


Activity 1  

Visit the following pages and read the information carefully:

:: Webquest General Information Page: here you will find useful hints to facilitate your task and improve the final outcome of your project.

:: Webquest 4 Evaluation Sheet: here you will find how you are going to be rated.

Activity 2  
    :: Choose two partners to work with and share roles with them.  
Activity 3  

:: Use a Word Processor to type the list of the signs.

:: Translate the signs into Braille using one of the following sites:

>> http://www.rnib.org.uk/wesupply/fctsheet/moon.htm

>> http://www.afb.org/braillebug/

>> http://www.rni.org.uk/

>> http://www.nyise.org/blind/gall.htm

>> http://www.bsblind.co.uk/full/moon/wmoon3.htm

Activity 4  

:: Print the Braille signs and copy them on a piece of cardboard or plastic.

:: Mark the Braille raised dots on the reverse of the sheet with a ball pen or another pointing tool.

:: Cut the signs and hang them next to the original signs but at a height of 1.00m from the floor.

:: Draw a plan of your school to show where you have placed each sign.

Activity 5  
    :: Make photos of the signs for your presentation.  
Activity 6  
    :: Make a poster and/or a PowerPoint presentation to show the process you have followed to reach the final result (you can illustrate it with the photos, a sample of a sign, etc.).  
Activity 7  
    :: Hang your poster in your classroom (providing you have made one, of course).  
Activity 8  
    :: As a group, choose the best three posters and/or PowerPoint presentations. The most outstanding will be shown on the web page of the project. The other two will be exhibited on the school noticeboard.  
    :: Complete Webquest 4 Evaluation Sheet, print it and give it to your teacher.  

You have surely done a good job!

Your new classmate Helena will feel very comfortable at her new school and at the same time you have learnt a great deal about the blind.


Additional Information  

:: If you want to learn more about how to help the blind, visit the following web page:

>> http://www.facs.gov.au/disability/cds/pubs/icp/needs2.htm


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